Data Studio: Environmental Change

Data Studio: Environmental Change Workshop (24 May 2017) © Modern Art Oxford. Photo: Bethany Mitchell

As part of the Future Knowledge exhibition, designer/artist Lucy Kimbell will host a practical workshop called a Data Studio. Building on other activities including cross-disciplinary data sprints, hackathons, co-design workshops and jams, this ‘studio’ will apply creative techniques to models and data and translate them for other contexts and publics. Working in collaboration with the Environmental Change… Continue reading Data Studio: Environmental Change

Categorised as Community

Coming Soon: Aleksandra Mir’s Space Tapestry

Opening at Modern Art Oxford on 24 June, Aleksandra Mir’s Space Tapestry: Earth Observation & Human Spaceflight has been brought into being with the help of more than 25 collaborators, aged 18–24. Collectively they have drawn the work by hand in her London-based studio following the artist’s design while they also leave personal marks on the work.… Continue reading Coming Soon: Aleksandra Mir’s Space Tapestry