Curators in Conversation: Monica Sjöö

Monica Sjöö, Meeting the Ancestors at Avebury, 1993. Courtesy Monica Sjöö Estate and Alison Jacques, London. © Monica Sjöö Estate. Photo by Albin Dahlström/Moderna Museet

Watch co-curators of Monica Sjöö: The Great Cosmic Mother, Jo Widoff and Amy Budd, discussing Sjöö’s life and work.

National Careers Week: Tips & Advice from the MAO Team

This National Careers Week 2021 we’re sharing reflections and insights into the world of work from some of the Modern Art Oxford team. During our half-term film-making residency last month, our young artists asked members of our team about their education, careers and experiences in and outside of the world of work. What qualifications do you… Continue reading National Careers Week: Tips & Advice from the MAO Team